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ISSN 2071-9574 (Print),
ISSN 2071-9590 (Online)


Editorial board

Alpatov Sergey Victorovich, Grand PhD (Philology), the Head of the Chair of of the folklore at the Faculty of Philology at the Moscow State University, the author of works on history of folklore.

Chekova-Dimitrova Iliana, PhD (Philology), Assoc. Professor of the Faculty of Slavic Philology, Sofia University “St. Clement Ohridski”, lecturer at the Slavic Institute of the University of Cologne in Germany, member of the folklore commission of International Committee of Slavists, the author of studies in the field of medieval Bulgarian, Russian and Serbian literature, cultural and historical contacts between the southern and eastern Slavs of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and the New Age, church painting, East Slavic folklore, etc.

Chernov Sergey Zaremovich, Grand PhD (History), Leading Researcher of the Institute of Archaeology RAS, the author of many works on the archaeology and the history of Old Russia.

Father Superior Tikhon (Polyansky), PhD (Philosophy), the author of many works on the history of ancient Russian thought.

Florya Boris Nikolayevich, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the head of the Department of the Middle Ages History of Moscow State University, the author of many books and articles on the Russian and Slavic Middle Ages history.

Fomina Maria Semenovna, PhD (Philology), the author of works on the Old Russian collections, textual criticism and artistic peculiarity of «Zlatostruy» (Toronto).

Gaydukov Petr Grigorievich, Grand PhD (History), corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Deputy Director of the Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of a number of works on the archaeology, medieval Russian numismatics and sphragistics, history of science, bibliography.

Gardzaniti Marcello, Grand PhD (Slavic Philology), Professor of the Linguistics Department of the Florence University, the author of many works on Slavonic philology.

Gippius Alexey Alekseyevich, PhD (Philology), Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences, Professor, leading researcher of Laboratory of Semiotic Studies HSE University, specialist in the Old Russian language.

Gorsky Anton Anatolyevich, Grand PhD (History), the Head of the Source study Department of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor at the History Faculty of Moscow State University, the author of many works on the Russian Medieval History.

Grebenuk Vasily Petrovich, Grand PhD (Philology), the Head of the Department of humanities of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation, the author of many works on the history of the Old Russian literature.

Igoshev Valery Victorovich, Grand PhD (Art History), Leading Researcher of the State Research Institute оf Restoration (Moscow, Russia). E-mail: igoshevvv@rambler.ru

Kazakov Gleb Maratovich, Phd (History), Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Justus-Liebig University of Gießen (Germany), the main research focus is Early Modern Russian History and the history of Russian-European relations.

Kamchatnov Alexander Mikhailovich, Grand PhD (Philology), the Head of the Chair of Russian Language and Stylistics of the Gorky Institute of World Literature, the author of many works on the textual criticism and the language of Old Russian literature.

Kirillin Vladimir Mikhailovich, Grand PhD (Philology), Professor and Head of the Chair of Language and Literature Department of Moscow Theological Academy, Professor of the Minsk Theological Academy, Leading Resercher of the Gorky Institute of World Literature, the author of many works on history and textual criticism of the Old Russian literature.

Konyavskaya Elena Leonidovna, Grand PhD (Philology), Editor-in-Chief of the journal, Leading Researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of many works on history and textual study of the Old Russian literature, source study and annals writing.

Kotlar Nicolay Fedorovich, Grand PhD (History), Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian National Academy of Science, Honoured Academic worker, National Prize of Ukraine winner and, the Senior Researcher of the History Institute of Ukraine Natioanl Academy of Science, the author of a number of works on numismatics, sphragistics, the history of Old Russia statehood and Galicia-Volyn’ region

Kochetkov Igor Aleksandrovich, PhD (Art), Leading Researcher of the State Tretyakov Gallery, the author of works on the history of Russian icons.

Kudryavtsev Oleg Fedorovich, Grand PhD (History), professor of the Moscow State Institute of International Relations, the author of many works on the history of the Medieval and Renaissance culture and Russian-European relations in the 15th-16th centuries.

Labyntsev Yuriy Andreyevich, Grand PhD (Philology), the Leading Researcher of the Institute of Slavic Studies RAS, the author of u number of works on the philology, study of culture and religion.

Lukin Pavel Vladimirovich, Grand PhD (History), Leading Researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of works on the early Russian history and the history of befor Peter Russia.

Maksimovich Kirill Alexandrovich, Grand PhD (Philology) Dr.phil.habil, Professor at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University (Frankfurt am Main), the author of many works on the history of Russian, the Russo-Byzantine cultural contacts and the reception of Byzantine Law among the Slavs.

Milkov Vladimir Vladimirovich, Grand PhD (Philosophy), the Leading Researcher of the Institute of Philosophy RAS, the author of many works on the history of the Medieval Russian philosophy.

Selin Adrian Alexandrovich, Grand PhD (History), Professor at the Faculty of History (Center for Historical Research) of the Higher School of Economics St.Petersburg Branch.

Shamin Stepan Mikhailovich, PhD (History), Senior researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the author of publications on Russian 17th century history and culture.

Sirenov Aleksey Vladimirovich, Grand PhD (History), Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Direktor of the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of sciences, Professor St. Petersburg State University, the author of many works on the history of Old Russian culture.

Steindorf Ludwig, Grand PhD (History), Professor of the University of Kiel, the author of many works on the history of the Medieval Russia and Croatia.

Stefanovich Petr Sergeevich, Grand PhD (History), Professor of the Faculty of Humanities, National Research University High School of Economic, Leading Resercher of the Russian History Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Turilov Anatoly Arkadyevich, PhD (History), Leading Researcher of the Institute of Slavic Studies of Academy of Science, The foreign member of the Serbian Academy of Science and Arts, the author of many works on the history of culture, the cultural inter- Slavs communications and paleography.

Vershinin Konstantin Vladimirovich (Executive Secretary), PhD (History), Researcher of the Institute of Russian History of the Russian Academy of Sciences, author of studies on Old Russian and Old Slavic literature, Old Russian law.

Yukhimenko Elena Mikhailovna, Grand PhD (Philology), Chief Academic Researcher of the State Historical Museum, the author of many works on the history of Old Believers.

Zhurova Liudmila, PhD (Philology, Grand Doctor), Lead researcher in the History Institute of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor in Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, the author of works about 16th century Russian political journalism, pan-Russian and Siberian chronicles, textual study and source study.

E-mail: drevnyayarus@gmail.com